Rootkit是什么?估计很多朋友并不明白,简单的说,Rootkit是一种特殊的恶意软件,它的功能是在安装目标上隐藏自身及指定的文件、进程和网络链接等信息,比较多见到的是Rootkit一般都和*、后门等其他恶意程序结合使用。Rootkit通过加载特殊的驱动,修改系统内核,进而达到隐藏信息的目的。技术是双刃剑,我们研究它的目的在于,透过我们的研究,用这项技术来保护我们的系统,使我们的系统更加健壮,充分发挥这个技术的正面应用。-RootKit see snow from the study and research the topic e-books. Rootkit What is it? Estimate many of my friends do not understand, simply, Rootkit is a special kind of malicious software, and its function is to hide itself in the installation and specify the target file, processes and Web links and other information, see the more general Rootkit are, and Trojans, backdoor and other malicious programs used in combination. Rootkit by loading special drivers, modify the system kernel, thus achieving the purpose of hidden information. Technology is double-edged sword, and we study it aims, through our research, using this technology to protect our systems to make our system more robust, give full play to the positive application of this technology.
Rootkit是什么?估计很多朋友并不明白,简单的说,Rootkit是一种特殊的恶意软件,它的功能是在安装目标上隐藏自身及指定的文件、进程和网络链接等信息,比较多见到的是Rootkit一般都和*、后门等其他恶意程序结合使用。Rootkit通过加载特殊的驱动,修改系统内核,进而达到隐藏信息的目的。技术是双刃剑,我们研究它的目的在于,透过我们的研究,用这项技术来保护我们的系统,使我们的系统更加健壮,充分发挥这个技术的正面应用。-RootKit see snow from the study and research the topic e-books. Rootkit What is it? Estimate many of my friends do not understand, simply, Rootkit is a special kind of malicious software, and its function is to hide itself in the installation and specify the target file, processes and Web links and other information, see the more general Rootkit are, and Trojans, backdoor and other malicious programs used in combination. Rootkit by loading special drivers, modify the system kernel, thus achieving the purpose of hidden information. Technology is double-edged sword, and we study it aims, through our research, using this technology to protect our systems to make our system more robust, give full play to the positive application of this technology.