《深入浅出Oracle:DBA入门、进阶与诊断案例》针对数据库的启动和关闭、能数及参数文件、数据字典、内存管理、Buffer Cache与Shared Pool原理、重做、回滚与撤销、等待事件、性能诊断与SQL优化等几大Oracle热点主题从基础知识入手,深入研究相关技术,并结合性能调整及丰富的诊断案例,力图将Oracle的知识全面、系统、深入地展现给读者。
本书给出了大量取自实际工作现场的实例。在分析实例的过程中,兼顾深度与广度,不仅对实际问题的现象、产生原因和相关的原理进行了深入浅出的讲解,更重要的是,结合实际应用环境,提供了一系列解决问题的思路和方法,包括详细的操作步骤,具有很强的实战性和可操作性,满足面向实际应用的读者需求。-"Layman s language and Oracle: DBA Introduction, Advanced and diagnosis of cases" for the database startup and shutdown, can count, and parameter files, data dictionary, memory management, Buffer Cache and Shared Pool principle, redo, rollback and cancellation, waiting for events, Performance diagnosis and Oracle SQL optimization several hot topics from the basic knowledge, in-depth study related technologies, combined with the diagnostic performance tuning and rich case, trying to Oracle s knowledge of comprehensive, systematic and in-depth to show to the reader.
This book gives a lot of examples from actual work site. Process instance in the analysis, taking into account depth and breadth of the phenomenon not only of practical problems, related to the principle of cause and were easily comprehensible explanations, more importantly, with the actual application environment, providing a range of ideas and problem-solving methods, including detailed instructions, with strong practical
本书给出了大量取自实际工作现场的实例。在分析实例的过程中,兼顾深度与广度,不仅对实际问题的现象、产生原因和相关的原理进行了深入浅出的讲解,更重要的是,结合实际应用环境,提供了一系列解决问题的思路和方法,包括详细的操作步骤,具有很强的实战性和可操作性,满足面向实际应用的读者需求。-"Layman s language and Oracle: DBA Introduction, Advanced and diagnosis of cases" for the database startup and shutdown, can count, and parameter files, data dictionary, memory management, Buffer Cache and Shared Pool principle, redo, rollback and cancellation, waiting for events, Performance diagnosis and Oracle SQL optimization several hot topics from the basic knowledge, in-depth study related technologies, combined with the diagnostic performance tuning and rich case, trying to Oracle s knowledge of comprehensive, systematic and in-depth to show to the reader.
This book gives a lot of examples from actual work site. Process instance in the analysis, taking into account depth and breadth of the phenomenon not only of practical problems, related to the principle of cause and were easily comprehensible explanations, more importantly, with the actual application environment, providing a range of ideas and problem-solving methods, including detailed instructions, with strong practical
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