快速熟悉ISE软件的使用,适合初学者,是一系列小操作流程的集合。-To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to draw schematic representations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to conduct graphical waveform simulations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to write HDL representations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to write HDL testbench simulations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with downloading PLD circuits to the Nexys development board
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to conduct graphical waveform simulations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to write HDL representations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with using Xilinx ISE to write HDL testbench simulations of PLD circuits
To become familiar with downloading PLD circuits to the Nexys development board
相关搜索: nexys