两人乒乓球游戏机是用9个发光二极管代表乒乓球台,用点亮的发光二极管按一定的方向移动来表示球的运动。在游戏机的两侧各设置一个开关,即击球开关Hit A,HitB。甲乙二人按乒乓球比赛规则来操作开关。当甲按动击球开关时,靠近甲的第一个二极管亮,然后发光二极管由甲向乙依次点亮,代表乒乓球的移动。当球过网(中点)时,乙方可以击球。若乙方提前或是没击中球则判乙方失分,甲方的计分牌自动加分。然后重新发球,比赛继续。比赛直到一方分数达到11分时,比赛结束。
-Two table tennis game with nine leds with light table tennis, representing the light emitting diode according to certain direction to move the ball movement. On both sides of the game to set A switch, namely the ball Hit A HitB, switch. 2 party b according to table tennis match rules switch. When a button when hitting switch near the first light emitting diode, then led by a to b, in light of the table tennis movement. Representative When the ball over the net (middle), party b can hit. If party b or didn t hit the ball ahead is sentenced to party b, party a s scoreboards automatic points. Then again, continue to serve. Until one reaches 11 points, the end of the match.
-Two table tennis game with nine leds with light table tennis, representing the light emitting diode according to certain direction to move the ball movement. On both sides of the game to set A switch, namely the ball Hit A HitB, switch. 2 party b according to table tennis match rules switch. When a button when hitting switch near the first light emitting diode, then led by a to b, in light of the table tennis movement. Representative When the ball over the net (middle), party b can hit. If party b or didn t hit the ball ahead is sentenced to party b, party a s scoreboards automatic points. Then again, continue to serve. Until one reaches 11 points, the end of the match.