们知道,声音的频谱范围约在几十到几千赫兹,若能利用程序来控制单处机某个口线的“高”电平或低电平,则在该口线上就能产生一定频率的矩形波,接上喇叭就能发出一定频率的声音,若再利用延时程序控制“高”“低”电平的持续时间,就能改变输出频率,从而改变音-We know that the sound spectrum in the range of tens to thousands of cycles per second, if we use program to control an exit line single office machine " high" level or low level, then in the mouth can produce a certain line frequency square wave, connected to the speaker' s voice can be given a certain frequency, if more delay programmed using " high" " low" level the duration of the output frequency can be changed, thus changing the tone