The EM78P468N is an 8-bit RISC type microprocessor with high speed CMOS technology and low
power consumption. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog (WDT), Data RAM, ROM,
programmable real time clock counter, internal/external interrupt, power down mode, LCD driver
IROUT function, and tri-state I/O. It provides a PROTECTION bit to protect against intrusion of user’s
code in the OTP memory and a 10-OPTION bit to accommodate user’s requirements.
power consumption. Integrated onto a single chip are on chip watchdog (WDT), Data RAM, ROM,
programmable real time clock counter, internal/external interrupt, power down mode, LCD driver
IROUT function, and tri-state I/O. It provides a PROTECTION bit to protect against intrusion of user’s
code in the OTP memory and a 10-OPTION bit to accommodate user’s requirements.