在EDA开发工具Quartus II 6.0平台上,采用VHDL语言层次化和模块化的设计方法,通过音符编码的设计思想,预先定制乐曲,实现动态显示乐曲演奏电路的设计,并在此基础上,基于同一原理,使此电路同时具备了简易电子琴的功能,使基于CPLD/FPGA芯片的乐曲播放数字电路得到了更好的优化,提高了设计的灵活性和可扩展性。- Based on the QuartusII-the EDA development tool, this design has adopted the method of classification and modularization of VHDL level. Through the concept of note coding, the design of dynamic music-displaying circuit is realized after the musical composition has been made in advance. On the basis of the above and the same principle, this electric circuit has the same function of a simple electronic organ. The design of CPLD/FPGA chip-based music-displaying digital circuit is greatly improved, and the flexibility and expansibility of the design are improved as well.