在分析现有算法的基础上, 提出了一种新的算法, 并对其进行了仿真Z仿真结果表明, 无论是
在多径信道还是在AW GN 信道, 该算法的定时估计和频率偏移估计的均方差都要优于最大似然
算法和“集相关”算法Z-O FDM is sen sit ive to t im ing recovery and f requency offset est imat ion,
cu rren t non2data2aided est imat ion methods don’t wo rk w ell on mu lt ipath channel.
Based on the analysis of the cu rren t methods, a new method is p ropo sed and
simu lated. The simu lat ion resu lt s show that the mean square erro r of the t im ing
and f requency offset est imat ion fo r p ropo sed method is superio r to that of the
max imum likelihood and en semb le co rrelat ion methods.
在多径信道还是在AW GN 信道, 该算法的定时估计和频率偏移估计的均方差都要优于最大似然
算法和“集相关”算法Z-O FDM is sen sit ive to t im ing recovery and f requency offset est imat ion,
cu rren t non2data2aided est imat ion methods don’t wo rk w ell on mu lt ipath channel.
Based on the analysis of the cu rren t methods, a new method is p ropo sed and
simu lated. The simu lat ion resu lt s show that the mean square erro r of the t im ing
and f requency offset est imat ion fo r p ropo sed method is superio r to that of the
max imum likelihood and en semb le co rrelat ion methods.