

Copy all files in Matlab current directory and type "facerec" on

Matlab command window.

First, select an input image clicking on "Select image".

Then you can

- add this image to database (click on "Add selected image to database"

- perform face recognition (click on "Face Recognition" button)

Note: If you want to perform face recognition database has to include

at least one image.

If you choose to add image to database, a positive integer (face ID) is

required. This posivive integer is a progressive number which identifies

a person (each person corresponds to a class).-Copy all files in Matlab current directory and type "facerec" on

Matlab command window.

First, select an input image clicking on "Select image".

Then you can

 - add this image to database (click on "Add selected image to database"

 - perform face recognition (click on "Face Recognition" button)

  Note: If you want to perform face recognition database has to include

  at least one image.

If you choose to add image to database, a positive integer (face ID) is

required. This posivive integer is a progressive number which identifies

a person (each person corresponds to a class).


program pencari trojan\About.frm












program pencari trojan


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