本章主要介绍嵌入式系统和嵌入式操作系统的概况,讲述嵌入式 Linux 的发展历史和开
发环境,概括说明嵌入式 Linux 系统开发的特点。读完本章内容,可以对嵌入式 Linux 系统有整体的认识,了解嵌入式Linux开发的要点。 -This chapter introduces the embedded system and embedded operating system overview, talk about the history and development of embedded Linux development environment, an overview of the characteristics of embedded Linux system development. After reading this chapter, can be embedded Linux system as a whole and understand the main points of the embedded Linux development.
发环境,概括说明嵌入式 Linux 系统开发的特点。读完本章内容,可以对嵌入式 Linux 系统有整体的认识,了解嵌入式Linux开发的要点。 -This chapter introduces the embedded system and embedded operating system overview, talk about the history and development of embedded Linux development environment, an overview of the characteristics of embedded Linux system development. After reading this chapter, can be embedded Linux system as a whole and understand the main points of the embedded Linux development.