① 从键盘输入两个升序排列的整数序列linka和linkb, 每个序列以输入0为结束标记。
② 将链表linka和linkb归并为linkc,linkc仍然为升序排列。归并完成后,linka和linkb为空表。输出linkc。
③ 对linkc进行处理,保持升序不变,删除其中重复的整数,对重复的整数只保留一个,输出删除重复整数后的链表。
-Please click the following requirements programming: ① ascending order from the keyboard input of two integer sequences linka and linkb, input 0 for each sequence to the closing tag. ② the list linka and linkb combined into linkc, linkc still ascending order. Merger is completed, linka and linkb empty table. Output linkc. ③ The linkc processing, maintaining the same ascending order, delete the duplicate integer, integer only keep on repeating one, delete the duplicate integer output after the list.
① 从键盘输入两个升序排列的整数序列linka和linkb, 每个序列以输入0为结束标记。
② 将链表linka和linkb归并为linkc,linkc仍然为升序排列。归并完成后,linka和linkb为空表。输出linkc。
③ 对linkc进行处理,保持升序不变,删除其中重复的整数,对重复的整数只保留一个,输出删除重复整数后的链表。
-Please click the following requirements programming: ① ascending order from the keyboard input of two integer sequences linka and linkb, input 0 for each sequence to the closing tag. ② the list linka and linkb combined into linkc, linkc still ascending order. Merger is completed, linka and linkb empty table. Output linkc. ③ The linkc processing, maintaining the same ascending order, delete the duplicate integer, integer only keep on repeating one, delete the duplicate integer output after the list.