MyIE开源工程遵循GNU通用公共许可证GPL(GNU General Public License)开发,任何人都可以永久免费安装使用,在你下载和使用MyIE源代码前,请阅读并同意这个许可(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html),中文版本(http://www.morequick.com/down/gpl_chs.htm).
如果你使用的是VC++6,你需要更新2个头文件,请从这里下载: http://www.morequick.com/down/hfile.zip,然后将2个头文件\"tlogstg.h\" 和 \"exdisp.h\"放到VC++的头文件目录,如: \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include\".
-1.MyIE revenue agreement revenue engine works to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License GPL ( GNU General Public License) development, Anyone can install permanent free use, you download and use the engine source code, Please read and agree with the permission (http : / / www.gnu.org / copyleft / gpl.html). Chinese version (http : / / www.morequick.com / down / gpl_chs.htm). 2. If the compiler works suggest you use the VC 6, you need to update two header file, please download here : http : / / www.morequick.com / down / hfile.zip. Then two header file, "tlogstg.h" and "exdisp.h" has been transformed into the first VC directory , such as : "C : \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Visual Studio \\ VC98 \\ Include. "
MyIE开源工程遵循GNU通用公共许可证GPL(GNU General Public License)开发,任何人都可以永久免费安装使用,在你下载和使用MyIE源代码前,请阅读并同意这个许可(http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html),中文版本(http://www.morequick.com/down/gpl_chs.htm).
如果你使用的是VC++6,你需要更新2个头文件,请从这里下载: http://www.morequick.com/down/hfile.zip,然后将2个头文件\"tlogstg.h\" 和 \"exdisp.h\"放到VC++的头文件目录,如: \"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\VC98\\Include\".
-1.MyIE revenue agreement revenue engine works to follow the terms of the GNU General Public License GPL ( GNU General Public License) development, Anyone can install permanent free use, you download and use the engine source code, Please read and agree with the permission (http : / / www.gnu.org / copyleft / gpl.html). Chinese version (http : / / www.morequick.com / down / gpl_chs.htm). 2. If the compiler works suggest you use the VC 6, you need to update two header file, please download here : http : / / www.morequick.com / down / hfile.zip. Then two header file, "tlogstg.h" and "exdisp.h" has been transformed into the first VC directory , such as : "C : \\ Program Files \\ Microsoft Visual Studio \\ VC98 \\ Include. "
压缩包 : 15883839myie_code.zip 列表 AddPopupDlg.cpp AddPopupDlg.h AddressBarEx.cpp AddressBarEx.h AddToThisFavDlg.cpp AddToThisFavDlg.h AdvTabCtrl.cpp AdvTabCtrl.h AnimateIcon.cpp AnimateIcon.h BaseTabCtrl.cpp BaseTabCtrl.h ChevBar.cpp ChevBar.h ChildFrm.cpp ChildFrm.h CleanAll.cpp CleanAll.h CollectorDlg.cpp CollectorDlg.h ComboBar.cpp ComboBar.h Crypt.cpp Crypt.h CustomizeToolbar.cpp CustomizeToolbar.h CUSTSITE.CPP CUSTSITE.H DLLDATA.C EnTabCtrl.cpp EnTabCtrl.h ExternalUtilItem.cpp ExternalUtilItem.h ExternalUtils.cpp ExternalUtils.h FixedHtmlView.cpp FixedHtmlView.h Function.cpp Function.h IDISPIMP.CPP IDISPIMP.H InputAlias.cpp InputAlias.h InputDlg.cpp InputDlg.h InputPassword.cpp InputPassword.h LinkListDlg.cpp LinkListDlg.h Macro.h MainFrm.cpp MainFrm.h MenuBar.cpp MenuBar.h MenuData.cpp MenuData.h Menuorder.cpp Menuorder.h MyIE.cpp MyIE.dsp MyIE.dsw MyIE.h MyIE.idl MyIE.rc MyIE.reg MyIE.rgs MyIEHelper.cpp MyIEHelper.h MyIENSHandle.cpp MyIENSHandle.h MyIENSHandle.rgs MyIEOptions.cpp MyIEoptions.h MyIEView.cpp MyIEView.h MyIE_i.c MyIE_i.h MyIE_p.c PopupConfirm.cpp PopupConfirm.h PopupDlg.cpp PopupDlg.h ProxyInfo.cpp ProxyInfo.h ProxyList.cpp ProxyList.h QuickSearchDlg.cpp QuickSearchDlg.h ReadMe.txt RES/ resource.h RES/CollectorTool.bmp RES/DRAG.CUR RES/LinkList.Bmp RES/LinkList.ICO RES/mainfrm.ico RES/MyIE.rc2 RES/MyIENSHandle.rgs RES/NORMAL.ICO RES/PROXY.BMP RES/SAVE.ICO RES/SECURE.ICO RES/TaskBar.bmp RES/tray.ico SAPrefsDialog.cpp SAPrefsDialog.h SAPrefsSubDlg.cpp SAPrefsSubDlg.h SelectLang.cpp SelectLang.h SelectURL.cpp SelectURL.h SelProxyCatDlg.cpp SelProxyCatDlg.h SetAliasDlg.cpp SetAliasDlg.h SetFormDataDlg.cpp SetFormDataDlg.h SetProxy.cpp SetProxy.h SetSCDlg.cpp SetSCDlg.h SimpleSAH.cpp SimpleSAH.h SortListCtrl.cpp SortListCtrl.h StatusBarWithProgress.Cpp StatusBarWithProgress.H StdAfx.cpp StdAfx.h TabDropTarget.cpp TabDropTarget.h TextProgressCtrl.cpp TextProgressCtrl.h ToolMenu.cpp ToolMenu.h TxtDropTarget.h UrlFilterProp.cpp UrlFilterProp.h WebFileOpenDlg.cpp WebFileOpenDlg.h