function [f,Py,w,fp,Pmax]=spectrum(ug,dt)
spectrum Compute the one-sided psd from the power spectrum
refer to the help of fft and periodgram.m.
codied by Dr. Ping TAN
June, 2005- function [f, Py, w, fp, Pmax] = spectrum (ug, dt) spectrum Compute the one-sided psd from the power spectrum refer to the help of fft and periodgram.m. codied by Dr. Ping TAN June, 2005
spectrum Compute the one-sided psd from the power spectrum
refer to the help of fft and periodgram.m.
codied by Dr. Ping TAN
June, 2005- function [f, Py, w, fp, Pmax] = spectrum (ug, dt) spectrum Compute the one-sided psd from the power spectrum refer to the help of fft and periodgram.m. codied by Dr. Ping TAN June, 2005