function [separated_data]=coherent_ML_receiver(received_signal,H,code_name,rate,num_code,modulator)
HELP: coherent_ML_receiver
Perform Maximum Likelihood Space Time Decoding. The function can be
computionnaly expensive if the modulation order is too large.
Input: - received signal
- channel matrix: H
- code_name: The code name ( Alamouti , OSTBC3 ,...)
- code_rate: The code rate ( 1 , 1/2 ,...)
- num_code: The code number (1,2,...)
- modulator object
Ouput: - separated data
Note: This function requires the Matlab Communication Toolbox
[1]E.G. Larsson,P.Stoica. "Space-time block coding for wireless
communications", Cambridge Press,2003-
function [separated_data]=coherent_ML_receiver(received_signal,H,code_name,rate,num_code,modulator)
HELP: coherent_ML_receiver
Perform Maximum Likelihood Space Time Decoding. The function can be
computionnaly expensive if the modulation order is too large.
Input: - received signal
- channel matrix: H
- code_name: The code name ( Alamouti , OSTBC3 ,...)
- code_rate: The code rate ( 1 , 1/2 ,...)
- num_code: The code number (1,2,...)
- modulator object
Ouput: - separated data
Note: This function requires the Matlab Communication Toolbox
[1]E.G. Larsson,P.Stoica. "Space-time block coding for wireless
communications", Cambridge Press,2003