-FM1715 chip RF Reader C driver. Implementation of FM1715 initialization operation; Implementation of the bus FM1715 operation mode (parallel bus, SPI) options; The function of the realization of FM1715 EEPOM sensed data, and other functions which function
-FM1715 chip RF Reader C driver. Implementation of FM1715 initialization operation; Implementation of the bus FM1715 operation mode (parallel bus, SPI) options; The function of the realization of FM1715 EEPOM sensed data, and other functions which function
压缩包 : 75448175fm1715_c51.rar 列表 FM1715_C51\FM1715驱动源码C51\FM1715.C FM1715_C51\FM1715驱动源码C51\FM1715.H FM1715_C51\FM1715驱动源码C51\INTRINS.H FM1715_C51\FM1715驱动源码C51 FM1715_C51