通过 Google 静态地图 API,您不需要使用 Javascr ipt 或加载任何动态页面,便可将 Google 地图图像嵌入到自己的网页中。Google 静态地图服务会根据通过标准 HTTP 请求发送的网址参数来创建您的地图,并将地图以您可以在网页上显示的图像形式返回。-Through the Google Static Maps API, you do not need to use Javascr ipt or any dynamic page loading, it will be embedded in Google Maps images into their own web pages. Google static map service based on HTTP requests sent through a standard URL parameters to create your maps, and maps, you can display images on the page is returned.
静态地图 API 开发人员指南.doc