CCALC provides convenient way to for performing calculations. You can
use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in variables. -CCALC provides for convenient way to perfo rming calculations. You can use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in v ariables.
use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in variables. -CCALC provides for convenient way to perfo rming calculations. You can use standard infix notation for expressions and store results in v ariables.
压缩包 : 19854831ccalc.zip 列表 ccalc/ ccalc/ccalc.cpp ccalc/ccalc.exe ccalc/ccalc.h ccalc/ccalc.ico ccalc/ccalc.rc ccalc/config.h ccalc/make.bat ccalc/makefile ccalc/makefile.mvc ccalc/ReadMe.txt