This standard describes the interoperability requirements relating to the conversion of analog
voice to 2,400 bits/s digitized voice by a method known as Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP)
and reconversion back to analog voice. An algorithm descr iption is also included to aid implementation
as well as a performance verification process to verify an implementation.-This standard describes the interoperability requirements relating to the conversion of analog voice to 2,400 bits/s digitized voice by a method known as Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) and reconversion back to analog voice. An algorithm descr iption is also included to aid implementation as well as a performance verification process to verify an implementation.
voice to 2,400 bits/s digitized voice by a method known as Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP)
and reconversion back to analog voice. An algorithm descr iption is also included to aid implementation
as well as a performance verification process to verify an implementation.-This standard describes the interoperability requirements relating to the conversion of analog voice to 2,400 bits/s digitized voice by a method known as Mixed Excitation Linear Prediction (MELP) and reconversion back to analog voice. An algorithm descr iption is also included to aid implementation as well as a performance verification process to verify an implementation.
相关搜索: melp