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1)  东西方向车辆放行20秒钟。即东西方向的绿灯和南北方向的红灯同时点亮20秒钟;

2)  20秒钟后,东西方向的黄灯闪烁2秒钟,以警示车辆将切换红绿灯。此时南北方向仍维持红灯点亮。在南北方向亮红灯期间,在2位数码管上显示计数值(每秒减1),从20减至01。

3)  东西方向的黄灯闪烁2秒钟后,转为南北方向放行20秒钟。即东西方向的红灯和南北方向的绿灯同时点亮20秒钟;

4)  南北方向放行20秒钟后,转为南北方向的黄灯闪烁2秒钟,以警示将切换红绿灯。此时东西方向仍维持红灯点亮。

5)  南北方向的黄灯闪烁2秒钟后,再转为东西方向车辆放行20秒钟。如此循环重复。

-1) direction vehicle release 20 seconds. What is the direction of red and green light at 20 seconds,

2) 20 seconds later, the yellow lights flashing warning vehicles with 2 seconds, switch to the traffic lights. This is still remain red light north-south direction. In the south during the red light, in the direction of the digital display tube of 2 per plan (minus 1), from 20 to 2001.

3) the yellow lights flashing direction to 2 seconds later, the south direction release 20 seconds. What is the direction of the north-south direction of red and green and light 20 seconds,

4) north-south direction after 20 seconds to release the north-south direction, yellow lights flashing warning, with 2 seconds will switch traffic lights. This direction remains red light.

5) south of yellow lights flashing direction after 2 seconds, then into things direction vehicle release 20 seconds. Repeat this cycle.




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