Titest and orthotest are programs for calculating how close to
transversely isotropic or orthorhombic a set of 21 elastic constants are.
General anisotropy requires 21 velocity parameters to describe.
Orthorhombic media have 3 perpendicular planes of symmetry, and require 9.
Transversely isotropic ("TI") has an axis of rotational symmetry and
requires only 5. There is no proprietary information in these programs
they merely implement equations described in a paper by Patrick Rasolofosaon
of IFP. (Note there are typos in some equations listed in that paper.)
Those equations define a "distance" measure between two sets of 21 elastic
constants. The only "tricky" coding in these programs is how I do the
search over all possible orientations of the anisotropic symmetry axes.-Programs for finding the nearest VTI and Orthorhombic medium to an arbitrary set of 21 stiffness constants
transversely isotropic or orthorhombic a set of 21 elastic constants are.
General anisotropy requires 21 velocity parameters to describe.
Orthorhombic media have 3 perpendicular planes of symmetry, and require 9.
Transversely isotropic ("TI") has an axis of rotational symmetry and
requires only 5. There is no proprietary information in these programs
they merely implement equations described in a paper by Patrick Rasolofosaon
of IFP. (Note there are typos in some equations listed in that paper.)
Those equations define a "distance" measure between two sets of 21 elastic
constants. The only "tricky" coding in these programs is how I do the
search over all possible orientations of the anisotropic symmetry axes.-Programs for finding the nearest VTI and Orthorhombic medium to an arbitrary set of 21 stiffness constants