摘 要:根据高维混沌系统具有更高安全性的特点 ,提出一种基于统一混沌系统和广义猫映射的
彩色图像加密新算法。该算法先利用广义猫映射分别实现空域彩色图像三基色置乱变换 ,然后由统
一混沌系统输出的三维混沌序列分别实现空域彩色图像三基色逐像素替代变换。研究结果表明 ,该
算法具有良好的像素值混淆、 扩散性能和较大的抵抗强力攻击的密钥空间 ,加密图像像素值具有类随
机均匀分布特性 ,且相邻像素的值具有零相关特性 ,证明了所提出方案具有较高的安全性-Abstract: According t o the characteristic of higher secrecy of high2 di mensi on chaotic system, a new col our i mage
encryp ti on algorithm based on unified chaotic system and general cat map s was p r oposed . Firstly, tricol or scrambling
transformati on was realized respectively in s pace domain by using the general cat map s . Then the three chaotic sequences of
unified chaotic system were adop ted t o realize the tricol or Substituti on transformati on p ixel by p ixel . The results demonstrate
that the algorithm has good p roperties of confusi on and diffusi on . The key space is large enough t o resist the brute2 force attack .
For the encryp ted i mage the distributi on of p ixel2 values has a random2like behavi or and the values of adjacent p ixels satisfy
zero correlati on, showing that the p r oposed scheme is of high security .
Key words: col our i mage encryp ti on unified chaotic system general catmap tricol or scrambling
彩色图像加密新算法。该算法先利用广义猫映射分别实现空域彩色图像三基色置乱变换 ,然后由统
一混沌系统输出的三维混沌序列分别实现空域彩色图像三基色逐像素替代变换。研究结果表明 ,该
算法具有良好的像素值混淆、 扩散性能和较大的抵抗强力攻击的密钥空间 ,加密图像像素值具有类随
机均匀分布特性 ,且相邻像素的值具有零相关特性 ,证明了所提出方案具有较高的安全性-Abstract: According t o the characteristic of higher secrecy of high2 di mensi on chaotic system, a new col our i mage
encryp ti on algorithm based on unified chaotic system and general cat map s was p r oposed . Firstly, tricol or scrambling
transformati on was realized respectively in s pace domain by using the general cat map s . Then the three chaotic sequences of
unified chaotic system were adop ted t o realize the tricol or Substituti on transformati on p ixel by p ixel . The results demonstrate
that the algorithm has good p roperties of confusi on and diffusi on . The key space is large enough t o resist the brute2 force attack .
For the encryp ted i mage the distributi on of p ixel2 values has a random2like behavi or and the values of adjacent p ixels satisfy
zero correlati on, showing that the p r oposed scheme is of high security .
Key words: col our i mage encryp ti on unified chaotic system general catmap tricol or scrambling
相关搜索: 图像加密