VHDL Behavioral Model for 1D DCT operation
Algorithm : Calculates the 1D DCT coefficients. DCT Points range from 8 to 32. There is double buffering at the input, to allow continuous usage of DCT engine.-VHDL Behavioral Model for 1D DCT operation
Algorithm : Calculates the 1D DCT coefficients. DCT Points range from 8 to 32. There is double buffering at the input, to allow continuous usage of DCT engine.
Algorithm : Calculates the 1D DCT coefficients. DCT Points range from 8 to 32. There is double buffering at the input, to allow continuous usage of DCT engine.-VHDL Behavioral Model for 1D DCT operation
Algorithm : Calculates the 1D DCT coefficients. DCT Points range from 8 to 32. There is double buffering at the input, to allow continuous usage of DCT engine.