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谁主沉浮 :

E书简介: 本片开始的时候,我们首先听到的是蒋介石既声嘶力竭又带有咆哮性质的讲话,然后镜头才渐显出他的形象,由他那秃顶的脑袋拉至戎装的上半身乃至全身。我们看到,这是在── 1、南京。国民党政府新闻发布室。 字幕:1947年 秋 这里挤满了等候发消息的记者,他们认真地听着蒋的讲话,并在本上飞快地记录着。不时有三五俩人对视或低语交流一下。 镁光灯在不停地闪烁。 在蒋介石的身后,是他的儿子蒋经国,再后是被称作蒋文胆的陈布雷。随行的还有新闻局长等。 -Succeeding : E brief introduction to the book : The film is the beginning, We first heard the Chiang Kai-shek is hoarse growl again with the nature of the speech, and then shot him before fading in the image by his baldness brain Rafah to the upper body, and even Staying body. We see that this is in Building 1 Building, Nanjing. KMT government Press Briefing Room. Subtitles : Autumn 1947 here full of reporters waiting for copies, they listened to Jiang's speech and the rapidly on the records. March 5 and set out from time to time depending on the exchange or mutter about. Amid nonstop to flicker. Chiang Kai-shek's funeral, his son Chiang Ching-kuo, and then was called biliary Chen Wen Jiang mined. Accompanied by the news bureau.


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