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关于本体学习方面的一些文章,非常值得大家参考,希望能给各位带来帮助- papers about ontology learning


A Practical System of Domain Ontology Learning Using theWeb for Chinese.pdf

An Interactive Ontology Learning Workbench for.pdf

An Ontology Learning Method Enhanced by Frame Semantics.pdf

Analyzing Distribution and Evolution of Research.pdf

Automatically Refining the Wikipedia Infobox Ontol.pdf

Axiom-based Feedback Cycle for Relation.pdf

Building Domain Ontologies from Text.pdf

Context-based Hierarchical Clustering for the Ontology Learning.pdf

Design and Realization for Ontology Learning Model Based on Web.pdf

Domain Ontology Learning for Question Answering System in Network.pdf

Domain Ontology Learning from Websites.pdf

Ensemble Methods for Ontology Learning.pdf

Evaluating the Generation of Domain.pdf

Improving Ontologies through Ontology Learning a University Case.pdf

Intelligent Ontology Learning based on Context Answering Crucial Questions.pdf

IT Ontology and Semantic Technology.pdf

Learning Domain Ontologies for Web Service Descriptions.pdf

Metric-Based Ontology Learning.pdf

Mining Ontological Knowledge from Domain-Specific Text Documents.pdf

Pattern Ranking for Semiautomatic.pdf


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