室内定位技术以其在定位搜救、公共安全、商业等方面良好的应用前景而备受人们重视。阐述了用于室内定位的几种算法,在详细介绍RF ID传感器定位原理、特点及关键技术的基础上,评述了LANDMARC定位系统及其优缺点,并展望了室内定位技术的发展趋势。-Accurate indoor positioning technology is an important and novel emerging technology for location
rescue, public safety and commercial app lications. Several indoor positioning algorithms are p resented. Based on
the p rincip les, characteristics and key technology of RF ID, LANDMARC system and its major advantages and
disadvantages are rewiewed emphatically. The development trend of indoor positioning technology are indicated.
rescue, public safety and commercial app lications. Several indoor positioning algorithms are p resented. Based on
the p rincip les, characteristics and key technology of RF ID, LANDMARC system and its major advantages and
disadvantages are rewiewed emphatically. The development trend of indoor positioning technology are indicated.