有五个哲学家围坐在一圆桌旁,桌中央有一盘通心粉,每人面前有一只空盘子,每两人之间放一只筷子每个哲学家的行为是思考,感到饥饿,然后吃通心粉.为了吃通心粉,每个哲学家必须拿到两只筷子,并且每个人只能直接从自己的左边或右边去取筷子-There are five philosophers sitting around a round table next to the Central Authorities have a pasta table, each before an empty plate, each put a chopstick between the two acts of each philosopher is thinking, feeling hungry, then eat macaroni . to eat pasta, each philosopher has to get two chopsticks, and each person can only directly from their own chopsticks to pick up the left or right
相关搜索: 哲学家
dining philosopher.txt