
  • 所属分类:
  • 软件工程
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  • [PDF]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 125kb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • wuj****
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软件工程是计算机专业硕士阶段的学位课程之一,对以软件工程为专业培养方向的硕士生而言尤为重要。由于计算机相关专业的本科阶段已开设过此课程,并且软件工程课程自身具有综合性强等特点,为硕士阶段软件工程课程的教学内容和培养目标等环节带来了一些挑战。本文立足于计算机相关专业的硕士教学阶段,分析硕士阶段开设软件工程课程所面临的问题,从课程设置和培养目标两方面入手,提出了几点关于软件工程课程教学的建议。-Software engineering is a computer science master' s degree phase of the one right in the direction of software engineering for professional training is particularly important in terms of the Master. As a professional computer-related undergraduate stage set up over the course, and the software engineering curriculum itself has a comprehensive and strong features of the software engineering courses for the master stage of the teaching content and training objectives of such links has brought some challenges. This article is based on computer-related professional master' s teaching stage, analysis stage master of software engineering courses set up the problems faced by the curriculum and training objectives from the two-pronged approach to put forward a number of points on the software engineering course teaching proposal.




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