为了快速精确地对一个实体进行的三维重建, 提出了一种新的混合建模方法. 该方法利用同一实体在不同视
点下的多幅深度图像, 根据它们之间颜色和纹理的相关性, 通过逆投影变换, 可将图像中象素点映射到三维空间中的正
确位置. 然后再经模型重建和重投影, 可获取实体在任意视点下的图像. 实验结果表明, 这种建模方法具有复杂度恒定、
获取图像真实感强等优点, 适用于形状、 结构复杂的物体的重建.-: In o rder to reconst ruct th ree di mensi on model of an object, a new method of hybr id modeling is p resented .
Th is method use mut i p le range i mage of different viewpo int, acco rding to the co lo r and texture, the p ixel po int can be
mapped to co r rect po sit i on in th ree di mensi on space by the backp ro ject t ransfo rmat i on. Then the i mage can be go t in
any viewpo int by modeling reconst ruct i on and rep ro ject i on. Exper i ments has p roved that th is method can acquire h igh
realist ic i mage and has stat ic comp lexit i on. It can be used to reconst ruct some objects w ith comp licated shape and
topo logies
点下的多幅深度图像, 根据它们之间颜色和纹理的相关性, 通过逆投影变换, 可将图像中象素点映射到三维空间中的正
确位置. 然后再经模型重建和重投影, 可获取实体在任意视点下的图像. 实验结果表明, 这种建模方法具有复杂度恒定、
获取图像真实感强等优点, 适用于形状、 结构复杂的物体的重建.-: In o rder to reconst ruct th ree di mensi on model of an object, a new method of hybr id modeling is p resented .
Th is method use mut i p le range i mage of different viewpo int, acco rding to the co lo r and texture, the p ixel po int can be
mapped to co r rect po sit i on in th ree di mensi on space by the backp ro ject t ransfo rmat i on. Then the i mage can be go t in
any viewpo int by modeling reconst ruct i on and rep ro ject i on. Exper i ments has p roved that th is method can acquire h igh
realist ic i mage and has stat ic comp lexit i on. It can be used to reconst ruct some objects w ith comp licated shape and
topo logies