This abstract relation class records all the history and current
** relations between WrkImLcm and ProcHist.It s different from Actor which
** indicates who is the actor of a process.It shows how a specfic workitem
** go through a specfic lifecycle and records the history. You can get a
** lot of useful attributes from it such as "current user","sigstate",etc.-This abstract relation class records all the history and current
** relations between WrkImLcm and ProcHist.It s different from Actor which
** indicates who is the actor of a process.It shows how a specfic workitem
** go through a specfic lifecycle and records the history. You can get a
** lot of useful attributes from it such as "current user","sigstate",etc.
** relations between WrkImLcm and ProcHist.It s different from Actor which
** indicates who is the actor of a process.It shows how a specfic workitem
** go through a specfic lifecycle and records the history. You can get a
** lot of useful attributes from it such as "current user","sigstate",etc.-This abstract relation class records all the history and current
** relations between WrkImLcm and ProcHist.It s different from Actor which
** indicates who is the actor of a process.It shows how a specfic workitem
** go through a specfic lifecycle and records the history. You can get a
** lot of useful attributes from it such as "current user","sigstate",etc.