struts框架详细介绍ActionMapping 帮助控制器将请求映射到操作
ActionForward 用来指示操作转移的对象
ActionError 用来存储和回收错误
Struts标记库 -struts fr a mework detail ActionMapping help controller will request Maps ActionForward operating instructions for the transfer of operations to target ActionError deposit storage and recovery marking the wrong Struts
ActionForward 用来指示操作转移的对象
ActionError 用来存储和回收错误
Struts标记库 -struts fr a mework detail ActionMapping help controller will request Maps ActionForward operating instructions for the transfer of operations to target ActionError deposit storage and recovery marking the wrong Struts
压缩包 : 57578867struts_1.zip 列表 struts框架详细介绍.ppt