1) 能用简易键盘设置单价,对采集到的代表重量的信号能同时显示重量、金额和单价;
2) 重量显示的单位为公斤,最大称重为9.999公斤;
3) 单价和总价的单位为元,最大金额数值为9999.99元
4) 具有去皮功能和总额累加计算功能。
5) 自拟10种商品名称,能显示购物清单,清单内容包括:商品名称,数量,单价,金额,本次购物总金额、购货日期、收银员编号和售货单位名称,具有中文显示功能;
-1) use simple keyboard setting unit, the representative of the collected signal to the weight of the weight at the same time shows the amount and unit price 2) the weight shown in kilograms, the largest weighing 9.999 kilograms to 3) the unit price and total Yuan, the greatest value for the amount of 9999.99 yuan 4) with the total amount of skin function and cumulative function. 5) Since the 10 kinds of trade names to be showing the shopping list, the list includes: commodity name, quantity, unit price, amount to the total amount of the purchase date, unit sales cashier number and name, with Chinese display
2) 重量显示的单位为公斤,最大称重为9.999公斤;
3) 单价和总价的单位为元,最大金额数值为9999.99元
4) 具有去皮功能和总额累加计算功能。
5) 自拟10种商品名称,能显示购物清单,清单内容包括:商品名称,数量,单价,金额,本次购物总金额、购货日期、收银员编号和售货单位名称,具有中文显示功能;
-1) use simple keyboard setting unit, the representative of the collected signal to the weight of the weight at the same time shows the amount and unit price 2) the weight shown in kilograms, the largest weighing 9.999 kilograms to 3) the unit price and total Yuan, the greatest value for the amount of 9999.99 yuan 4) with the total amount of skin function and cumulative function. 5) Since the 10 kinds of trade names to be showing the shopping list, the list includes: commodity name, quantity, unit price, amount to the total amount of the purchase date, unit sales cashier number and name, with Chinese display