Google “解放数据”(Data Liberation)团队今天正式发布 Google Blog Converters 1.0,该开源工具可以让你在不同博客服务之间自由转移文章和评论数据。第一个版本提供了 Python 程序库及相关可执行脚本,用于相互转换 Blogger、LiveJournal、MovableType 和 WordPress 导出的各种数据文件格式。
-Google " the liberation of information" (Data Liberation) team today released Google Blog Converters 1.0, the open-source tool allows you to move freely between different blog service articles and reviews of data transfer. The first version provides a Python library and executable scr ipts for the mutual conversion Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType and WordPress export data file format.
-Google " the liberation of information" (Data Liberation) team today released Google Blog Converters 1.0, the open-source tool allows you to move freely between different blog service articles and reviews of data transfer. The first version provides a Python library and executable scr ipts for the mutual conversion Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType and WordPress export data file format.