前两行分别指示字符矩阵的宽 w 和高 h(1<=w<=80 且 1<=h<=80)。接下来的 h 行每行 w 个字
符便是字符矩阵的内容,再下面的 1 行为要寻找的字符串的数目 n(n<10),其后的 n行便是要寻找的字符串,每个字符串不会超过 20 个字符。 -Instructions were the first two lines of wide-character matrix w and h (1 < = w < = 80 and 1 < = h < = 80). H line next w characters per line is the character of the contents of the matrix, and then the following acts of a string to find the number of n (n < 10), followed by n lines is to search for the string, each a string will not exceed 20 characters.
符便是字符矩阵的内容,再下面的 1 行为要寻找的字符串的数目 n(n<10),其后的 n行便是要寻找的字符串,每个字符串不会超过 20 个字符。 -Instructions were the first two lines of wide-character matrix w and h (1 < = w < = 80 and 1 < = h < = 80). H line next w characters per line is the character of the contents of the matrix, and then the following acts of a string to find the number of n (n < 10), followed by n lines is to search for the string, each a string will not exceed 20 characters.