The MIMO Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and a GUI. Its purpose is to complement the Control Toolbox for Matlab with functions capable of handling the multivariable input-output scheme.The MIMO Toolbox was developed for Matlab 7.
The gui, icdtool, is a MIMO design utility based on Individual Channel design for 2x2 systems-The MIMO Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and a GUI. Its purpose is to complement the Control Toolbox for Matlab with functions capable of handling the multivariable input-output scheme.The MIMO Toolbox was developed for Matlab 7.
The gui, icdtool, is a MIMO design utility based on Individual Channel design for 2x2 systems
The gui, icdtool, is a MIMO design utility based on Individual Channel design for 2x2 systems-The MIMO Toolbox is a collection of Matlab functions and a GUI. Its purpose is to complement the Control Toolbox for Matlab with functions capable of handling the multivariable input-output scheme.The MIMO Toolbox was developed for Matlab 7.
The gui, icdtool, is a MIMO design utility based on Individual Channel design for 2x2 systems
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