Verilog code for digital combinational lock
//BCAC – Unlock sequence
//wrong sequence –alaram goes on and goes off only after pressin another 4 wrong buttons.
//once the lock is open ,we can close the lock by pressin any key
//From any state pressin AA gets back to reset state.-Verilog code for digital combinational lock
//BCAC – Unlock sequence
//wrong sequence –alaram goes on and goes off only after pressin another 4 wrong buttons.
//once the lock is open ,we can close the lock by pressin any key
//From any state pressin AA gets back to reset state.
//BCAC – Unlock sequence
//wrong sequence –alaram goes on and goes off only after pressin another 4 wrong buttons.
//once the lock is open ,we can close the lock by pressin any key
//From any state pressin AA gets back to reset state.-Verilog code for digital combinational lock
//BCAC – Unlock sequence
//wrong sequence –alaram goes on and goes off only after pressin another 4 wrong buttons.
//once the lock is open ,we can close the lock by pressin any key
//From any state pressin AA gets back to reset state.