采用汇编语言实现的模拟电梯的控制和运行。该电梯除实现了普通的识别静态指令的基本电梯功能外,额外支持电梯运行过程中的动态指令识别,可随时调整电梯前进的方向与目的地。此外,该模拟电梯还配备了紧急维修、暂停行驶、贵宾直达等特殊功能,并保证了较完备的安全性与可靠性。-The use of assembly language to achieve the simulation of the control and operation of elevators. In addition to the elevator to achieve the general recognition of the basic lifts static command functions, additional support for the lift to run commands in the process of dynamic identification, may at any time to adjust the lift direction and destination. In addition, the simulation of the lift is also equipped with emergency repairs, suspension travel, and other special guests direct access to functions, and to ensure a more comprehensive security and reliability.