设有n各人坐在一圈,并按顺时钟方向从1到n编号,从第s个人开始进行1到m的报数,报到第m个人,此人出圈,再从他的下一个人重新开始从1到m的报数,如此进行下去直到所有的人出去为止。要求按出圈次序每十人为一组,给出这十人的次序表。-Sitting in a circle with each n, and clockwise from 1 to n number of individuals from the first s start from 1 to m of the reported number, appearance, the first m individuals, the ring this person and then the next from his re-started from 1 to m of the reported number, and so continue until all the people out so far. Requested by the order of every ten laps of a group of people, these people are given the order form.