本项目在FPGA上生成8086指令兼容的软核以及外设,并在此基础上跑通pc机上古老但是仍然有趣的吃豆子PACMAN游戏, 作为本科微机原理课程的实验。 通过本项目,学生可以学习到8086的基本结构, 在TurboC下如何进行嵌入式C语言编程,汇编语言, 计算机组成等基本原理, 有独立设计基于8086的SOC软硬件的能力。-The project generated in the FPGA on the 8086 Directive, as well as soft-core-compatible peripherals, and on this basis pc machine running the old pass is still fun to eat but beans PACMAN game, as a principle of undergraduate courses in computer experiments. Through the project, students learn the basic structure of 8086, in TurboC how embedded C language programming, assembly language, computer components, such as the basic principles, independent of the SOC design is based on the 8086 hardware and software capabilities.