/* This program generates the DApkg.vhd file that is used to define
* the DA filter core and gives its parameters and the contents of the
* Distributed Arithmetic Look-up-table \"DALUT\" according to the DA algorithm-/ * This program generates the DApkg.vhd fi le that is used to define the DA * filter core and g ives its parameters and the contents of the Dis * tributed Arithmetic Look-up-table "DALUT" ac cording to the DA algorithm
* the DA filter core and gives its parameters and the contents of the
* Distributed Arithmetic Look-up-table \"DALUT\" according to the DA algorithm-/ * This program generates the DApkg.vhd fi le that is used to define the DA * filter core and g ives its parameters and the contents of the Dis * tributed Arithmetic Look-up-table "DALUT" ac cording to the DA algorithm
压缩包 : 59564360dafilter.rar 列表 DaFilter\DApkg.vhd DaFilter\dalut.VHd DaFilter\复件 (3) 新建 文本文档.txt DaFilter\dapkg_gen.c DaFilter\da_tb.vhd DaFilter\ScalAdder.vhd DaFilter\addwaves.do DaFilter\da.VHD DaFilter\dapkg_gen.pl DaFilter