随着计算机技术和国际互联网的飞速发展,包括图像在内的各种多媒体数据的数量正以惊人的速度增长,人们很容易在多媒体信息海洋中迷失方向,如何从中有效地检索有用信息是一个很关键和迫切的问题。本文回顾了图像检索技术的发展状况,阐述了基于内容的图像检索的关键技术,结合认知心理学模型和智能科学技术,重点探讨了未来图像检索的发展方向和技术路线。 -with computer technology and the Internet's rapid development, include images of various kinds of multimedia data volume is a phenomenal growth rate. it is very easy to multimedia information in the ocean lost direction, How can effectively retrieve useful information is a critical and urgent issue. This paper reviews the image retrieval technology development, elaborated on the content-based image retrieval of key technologies, cognitive psychology and the cognitive model of science and technology, with an emphasis on the image retrieval future direction of development and technical route.
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