目前,以计算机技术和网络技术为核心的现代网络技术已在现实生活和生产中得以广泛的使用,休闲类网络游戏集趣味性,娱乐性,互动性和益智性与一体,已经成为多数人群的休闲方式。五子棋是当前非常流行的一种棋类游戏,它在我国的历史可谓是源远流长,它不仅能增强思维能力,提高智力,而且富含哲理,有助于修身养性-Currently, computer technology and network technology at the core of modern network technology and production in real life can be widely used in the leisure category of online game set interesting, entertaining, interactive and informative and one has already become the majority population leisure. Gobang is a very popular chess games, it can be called the history of our country goes back to ancient times, it can not only enhance the thinking ability and intelligence, and rich in philosophy will help self-cultivation