This program explains how to enable the Drag-Drop feature in your application. furthermore you can drop the whole directory into the program and it will add the files in that specific directory into the list.-This program explains how to enable the Dra g-Drop feature in your application. furthermo 're you can drop the whole directory into the prog ram and it will add the files in that specific dir ectory into the list.
压缩包 : 113172214drag-drop_197889392006.zip 列表 @PSC_ReadMe_1712_7.txt Drag-Drop/ Drag-Drop/Project1.cfg Drag-Drop/Project1.dof Drag-Drop/Project1.dpr Drag-Drop/Project1.res Drag-Drop/Unit1.dcu Drag-Drop/Unit1.ddp Drag-Drop/Unit1.dfm Drag-Drop/Unit1.pas Drag-Drop/Unit1.~ddp Drag-Drop/Unit1.~dfm Drag-Drop/Unit1.~pas