本温度计属于多功能温度计,可以设置上下报警温度,当温度不在设置范围内时,可以报警。 数字温度计与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,其输出温度采用数字显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所,或科研实验室使用。可广泛用于食品库、冷库、粮库等需要控制温度的地方。目前,该产品已在温控系统中得到广泛的应用-Belonging to the multi-function thermometer thermometer, you can set upper and lower temperature alarm, when the temperature range is not set, it could be reported. In the multi-purpose thermometer, you can set upper and lower temperature alarm, when the temperature range is not set, it could be reported. Digital thermometer with a traditional thermometer, compared with a reading of convenience, a wide range of temperature measurement, temperature measurement accuracy, the output of the temperature digital display, mainly used for more accurate temperature measurement sites, or research laboratory. Can be widely used in food banks, cold storage and grain storage, such as the need to control the local temperature. At present, the products have been in the temperature control system has been widely used