称它为“驱动程序超级宝典“一点也不过分,因为它是被译为中文的MSDN DDK文档。这个文档不是我翻译的,我只不过将它编辑了一下。翻译它的同志是个高手,非常专业,在此先谢谢他给我们作的工作。
-Call it quot super-driver book" is not too much, because it is being translated into Chinese MSDN DDK documentation. This document is not my translation, I just edit it a bit. Translation it is a master of the comrades, very professional, would like to thank him for the work to us. Due to the time to press, which did not grasp the picture.
-Call it quot super-driver book" is not too much, because it is being translated into Chinese MSDN DDK documentation. This document is not my translation, I just edit it a bit. Translation it is a master of the comrades, very professional, would like to thank him for the work to us. Due to the time to press, which did not grasp the picture.