Subversion 被设计为CVS的继任者。
如果你是一个版本控制的新手,本章刚好适合 你。我们从普通的版本控制概念谈起,然后带你领会深入的思想,同时将举一些Subversion 应用的简单例子。 -Subversion was designed to CVS successor. If you are a newbie version control, chapter just for you. We ordinary concept about version control, and then take you understand the depth of thinking, while Subversion will cite some examples of simple application.
如果你是一个版本控制的新手,本章刚好适合 你。我们从普通的版本控制概念谈起,然后带你领会深入的思想,同时将举一些Subversion 应用的简单例子。 -Subversion was designed to CVS successor. If you are a newbie version control, chapter just for you. We ordinary concept about version control, and then take you understand the depth of thinking, while Subversion will cite some examples of simple application.
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