近年来,随着电力电子技术、微电子技术、新型电机控制理论和稀土永磁材料的快速发展,永磁同步电动机得以迅速的推广应用。永磁同步电动机具有体积小,损耗低,效率高等优点,在节约能源和环境保护日益受到重视的今天,对其研究就显得非常必要。因此。这里对永磁同步电机的控制策略进行综述,并介绍了永磁同步电动机控制系统的各种控制策略发展方向-In recent years, with power electronics technology, microelectronic technology, new types of motor control theory and the rare-earth permanent magnet materials, the rapid development of permanent magnet synchronous motor can be rapidly applied. Permanent magnet synchronous motor with a small size, low loss, high efficiency, energy conservation and environmental protection in more and more attention today, the research it is very necessary.因此. Here on the permanent magnet synchronous motor control strategy were reviewed, and introduced the permanent magnet synchronous motor control system for the development direction of various control strategies