1、 系统设置:数据库设置,图书类别设置,管理员设置,用户级别设置
2、 图书库管理:实现对图书进行编目、修改、删除、查询功能
3、 图书订购:实现用户在线订购图书
4、 查询功能:查询方式提供模糊查询和分类查询方式
5、 统计功能:提供各种统计功能,如图书销售排行、用户购买统计等
6、 其他:公告、用户投诉等
-Inventory catalog of different categories in accordance with the database stored in the background, the way users access and Web inquiries, the sales of books of interest to users registered users can place an order book information. Main function is as follows:
1, system settings: database settings, set the book category, the administrator settings, the user-level settings
2, database management books: the realization of inventory on the books, modify, delete, search functions
3, Book Ordering: Order books online users
4, the inquiry: to provide query and classification of fuzzy query query
5, statistical functions: to provide a variety of statistical functions, such as book sales ranking, user statistics, such as the purchase of
6, Others: Notice, user complaints
Specific descr iption of each function, see D.
1、 系统设置:数据库设置,图书类别设置,管理员设置,用户级别设置
2、 图书库管理:实现对图书进行编目、修改、删除、查询功能
3、 图书订购:实现用户在线订购图书
4、 查询功能:查询方式提供模糊查询和分类查询方式
5、 统计功能:提供各种统计功能,如图书销售排行、用户购买统计等
6、 其他:公告、用户投诉等
-Inventory catalog of different categories in accordance with the database stored in the background, the way users access and Web inquiries, the sales of books of interest to users registered users can place an order book information. Main function is as follows:
1, system settings: database settings, set the book category, the administrator settings, the user-level settings
2, database management books: the realization of inventory on the books, modify, delete, search functions
3, Book Ordering: Order books online users
4, the inquiry: to provide query and classification of fuzzy query query
5, statistical functions: to provide a variety of statistical functions, such as book sales ranking, user statistics, such as the purchase of
6, Others: Notice, user complaints
Specific descr iption of each function, see D.