
  • 所属分类:
  • 进程与线程
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2012-11-26
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  • 2kb
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进程调度时进程管理的主要内容之一,通过设计,编制,调试一个简单的进程调度模拟系统,对进程调度,进程运行状态变换加深理解和掌握。模拟计算机操作系统的进程调度,建立进程控制块PCB,要包含有关进程的描述信息,控制信息以及资源信息.模拟系统根据PCB感知进程的存在和通过PCB中所包含的各项变量的变化,掌握进程所处的状态以达到控制进程活动的目的.要实现进程的状态及其转换,进程的创建与撤消,进程的阻塞与唤醒-Process when the process of scheduling one of the main, through the design, compilation, debugging the process of scheduling a simple simulation system for the process of scheduling, the process of running a deeper understanding and mastery of transformation. Analog computer' s operating system process scheduling, set up the process control block PCB, to include a descr iption of the process information, control information and resource information. Simulation system in accordance with the existence of PCB perceptual process and the adoption of PCB contained in the variable changes and acquire process to achieve the status in which activities are designed to control the process. To achieve the status process and its conversion, the process of creation and withdrawn, the process of blocking and wake-up call
相关搜索: 进程管理





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