爱因斯坦生长在物理学急剧变革的时期,通过以他为代表的一代物理学家的努力,物理学的发展进入了一个新的历史时期。由伽利略和牛顿建立的古典物理学理论体系,经历了将近200年的发展,到19世纪中叶,由于能量守恒和转化定律的发现,热力学和统计物理学的建立,特别是由于法拉第和麦克斯韦在电磁学上的发现,取得了辉煌的成就。-Einstein is one of the most great physicists. He loves physics, put his life dedicated to the theoretical study of physics. People called him the 20th century, Copernicus, Newton, the 20th century.
Einstein grew up in a period of drastic changes in physics, through his generation of physicists, as represented by the efforts of the development of physics has entered a new historical period. By Galileo and Newton set up the theoretical system of classical physics, we have taken nearly 200 years of development, to the mid-19th century, because of the law of conservation of energy and transformation of the discovery, thermodynamics and statistical physics set up, especially because of Faraday and Maxwell at Study on electromagnetic discovery, has achieved spectacular results.
爱因斯坦生长在物理学急剧变革的时期,通过以他为代表的一代物理学家的努力,物理学的发展进入了一个新的历史时期。由伽利略和牛顿建立的古典物理学理论体系,经历了将近200年的发展,到19世纪中叶,由于能量守恒和转化定律的发现,热力学和统计物理学的建立,特别是由于法拉第和麦克斯韦在电磁学上的发现,取得了辉煌的成就。-Einstein is one of the most great physicists. He loves physics, put his life dedicated to the theoretical study of physics. People called him the 20th century, Copernicus, Newton, the 20th century.
Einstein grew up in a period of drastic changes in physics, through his generation of physicists, as represented by the efforts of the development of physics has entered a new historical period. By Galileo and Newton set up the theoretical system of classical physics, we have taken nearly 200 years of development, to the mid-19th century, because of the law of conservation of energy and transformation of the discovery, thermodynamics and statistical physics set up, especially because of Faraday and Maxwell at Study on electromagnetic discovery, has achieved spectacular results.