无线应用协议(Wireless Application Protocol,WA P)是WAP论坛经过不断努力得到的成果,它提供了一个业界技术规范,以便开发出适用于各种无线通信网络的应用程序和业务。
WAP规定了适用于多种无线设备的网络协议和应用程序框架,这些设备包括移动电话、寻呼机、个人数字助理( P D A)等。这个规范不但扩充了移动组网技术(如数字数据组网标准)和I n t e r n e t技术(如X M L,U R L,脚本和各种各样的内容格式) ,而且还将推动他们的发展。
-WAP [Wireless Application Protocol, WA P] is the WAP Forum, through continuous efforts have been the result of the industry it provides a technical specification in order to develop applicable to a variety of wireless communication networks and business applications. WAP provides a wide range of wireless equipment for network protocols and applications fr a mework, these devices including mobile phones, pagers, personal digital assistant [PDA] and so on. This specification not only to expand the mobile network technology [such as digital data networking standards] and the I nternet technology [such as XML, URL, scr ipt, and a variety of content format], but also to promote their development.
WAP规定了适用于多种无线设备的网络协议和应用程序框架,这些设备包括移动电话、寻呼机、个人数字助理( P D A)等。这个规范不但扩充了移动组网技术(如数字数据组网标准)和I n t e r n e t技术(如X M L,U R L,脚本和各种各样的内容格式) ,而且还将推动他们的发展。
-WAP [Wireless Application Protocol, WA P] is the WAP Forum, through continuous efforts have been the result of the industry it provides a technical specification in order to develop applicable to a variety of wireless communication networks and business applications. WAP provides a wide range of wireless equipment for network protocols and applications fr a mework, these devices including mobile phones, pagers, personal digital assistant [PDA] and so on. This specification not only to expand the mobile network technology [such as digital data networking standards] and the I nternet technology [such as XML, URL, scr ipt, and a variety of content format], but also to promote their development.